A Message From CEO Frank Murtha

March 8, 2022  From the MLFB Office of Frank Murtha

As Spring rapidly approaches, we at Major League Football (MLFB) know our fans are looking for information about what is happening.  Hopefully this brief update sheds a little light on where we are.

As you have partially seen over the last day or two, our design team has developed all of our uniform designs.  Team and league logos as well as a great deal of the marketing collateral are designed and ready to go.  Love and/or hate of the team identities is a fun part of what we go through.  We know that is something every league deals with.  All of us at MLFB hope that you get behind your favorite team and embrace your colors.  If you don’t like any of them…there is always Major League Baseball (just kidding).  The new website is under construction and will hopefully be launched before the end of the month.  You won’t be disappointed with it or its quality.  All information involving the league, including the cities, coaches, logos, and merchandise will be there for you if not already disclosed by the time of its launch.

Some fans are asking for a huge information download so they know what is happening across the league.  Our marketing people have a plan in place to release details of each team city, the coaching staff and schedules as we get closer.  Camp locations and a schedule will be announced as prescribed in our marketing plan.  In football, patience is something that coaches stress.  A defensive back needs to be patient for the play to expose itself…stay in his lane…wait, be patient.  A quarterback waits for the defense to expose its scheme, waits for his receivers to run their routes, stays in the pocket while all of this happens, be patient as the play develops.  That is what we are suggesting to you; be patient.  PATIENCE IS STRENGTH.

That said, know that this staff that has come together over the last 18 months is working hard every day.  Their effort to bring us closer to both the announcements and putting cleats on the field this spring has been inspiring.  The launching of a professional sports league is a very difficult thing.  No excuses.  It’s just hard if done right.  We have watched other leagues come and go.  MLFB is a developmental league, a league that will coach and train people who are striving to get to the next level.  That means a lot of detail is going into the planning.  The Executive Management Team is dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” to insure our success and sustainability.

As the only publicly traded professional sports league in the United States (at least that we can find), MLFB is governed by a number of rules on the release of material information that private companies are not.  MLFB is making sure we stay within our boundaries while maintaining our mandate of adding value to our shareholders.

The timeline is tight, but we simply will not cut corners.  This must be done correctly.  That is our charge, that is our goal, and that is what we expect.  Nothing Less.

Frank Murtha, President and CEO, MLFB

Frank Murtha, President/ CEO, f.murtha@mlfb.com
Kevin McLenithan, Investor Relations k.mclenithan@mlfb.com
